Join us on June 24th 2024 for a day of Golf and fun for the 4th annual BMAC Memorial Golf Tournament. Registration begins at 12 PM.
1:15 PM shotgun scramble. Raffles, prizes, closest to the pin, long drive contests, putting contests, and of course traveling beer carts!
Tournament Fees:
$150 single
$600 foursome
If you would like to sponsor this event, please contact us! Here are the available sponsorship opportunities for this year's event:
Dinner Sponsor - $1000
Custom banner on the course at the dinner + 1 tee sign
Putting Green Sponsor - $1000
Company logo on signage at practicing putting green + 1 tee sign
Beverage Cart Sponsor - $1000
cost of first round of beverages purchased via the beverage cart
official sponsor over beverage cart
company signage on the beverage cart
Hotdog Cart Sponsor - $1000
official sponsor over hotdog cart
company signage on the hotdog cart
Long Drive Sponsor - $300
1 hole sponsorship included - signage placed at tee box
official sponsor of the Longest Drive Contest
Closest to Pin Sponsor - $300
1 hole sponsorship included - signage placed at tee box
Official Sponsor of the Closest to Pin Contest
Hole Sponsor - $150
1 hole sponsorship included - signage placed at tee box
Payment information:
All tournament fees will be collected
at the registration tent day of event.
Forms of payment accepted are: cash, check, paypal and venmo.
If you are a sponsor, please contact Eddie (207) 509 - 5261 or Brian (978) 375 - 0130 for payment information.